Learning Disability Assessment
A learning disability may also be referred to as a learning disorder. This diagnosis is made when a child demonstrates core difficulties in one (or more) of the following three foundational learning areas: reading, mathematics, or written expression. Compass Clinic is one of the best youth clinics in Vancouver. Contact us for a learning disability assessment in Vancouver.
What is a Learning DIsability?
A learning disability may also be referred to as a learning disorder. This diagnosis is made when a child demonstrates core difficulties in one (or more) of the following three foundational learning areas:
Reading, mathematics or written expression.
To be diagnosed with a learning disability the following criteria must be met:
- The academic difficulties persist despite targeted intervention and support.
- Academic skills are substantially below what is expected given the child’s age and cause problems in schoolwork, work or everyday activities.
- The learning difficulties are not due to another concern such as an intellectual disability, vision or hearing problems, a medical condition, or adverse conditions such as economic or environmental disadvantage, lack of instruction or difficulties speaking/understanding the language.
Learning disabilities are diagnosed according to their severity, which can be mild, moderate or severe.
How we can help?
Assessment & Treatment Recommendations
The assessment for learning disabilities is completed through a psycho-educational assessment. This assessment will evaluate cognitive skills, including overall intelligence (IQ) which is an indicator of academic potential. Importantly, children with a learning disability generally have average (or higher) cognitive functioning. This speaks to the fact that children with learning disabilities are often quite bright. Besides that, their difficulties with learning are not due to a lack of intelligence or a lack of potential.
The assessment also includes evaluation of academic skills in multiple areas of reading, mathematics and written expression. When there is a significant discrepancy between a child’s cognitive and academic functioning, the diagnosis of a learning disability can be made. Interviews, clinical observation and a comprehensive review of a child’s report card history are also part of the assessment.
Useful Links
- Autism Assessment
- ADHD Assessment
- Giftedness Assessment
- Psycho-educational Assessment
- LEAP (Academic) Assessment
- Psychometry
- Psychiatry
- Consultation
- Whole Life Support
- Counselling/Therapy: Overview
- Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
- Emotion Focused Therapy
- Group Counselling
- Career Counselling
- Occupational Therapy
- Speech Therapy
- Executive Functioning Tutoring