I completed my PhD in Clinical Psychology at Simon Fraser University, with scholarships awarded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council and Canadian Institute of Health Research. I have worked with children and youth with learning, developmental, behavioural and emotional difficulties for over 10 years. I completed my predoctoral residency at Alberta Children’s Hospital, working with young people with neurodevelopmental disorders such as ADHD, FASD, Autism Spectrum Disorder and learning disabilities, as well as those with chronic medical conditions. Working under supervision at Compass Clinic, I provide comprehensive assessments for children and youth with ADHD, complex neurodevelopmental and behavioural concerns, FASD, and learning disabilities. I take a warm, respectful and collaborative approach with clients. I view assessment as a discovery process to uncover what causes behaviours and to develop practical, empowering solutions based on a comprehensive understanding of your child. I have a keen interest in working with families from immigrant/diverse cultural backgrounds, and am fluent in English, Cantonese and Mandarin. I will be applying for registration with the BC College of Psychologists. 我擁有 SFU 臨床心理學博士學位,具備十多年為兒童及青少年進行評估、診斷及心理治 療的豐富臨床經驗,致力於處理專注力不足/過動症 (ADHD)、學習問題、胎兒酒精綜合症,及其他行為、 情緒、社交等兒童發展問題。我能說流利廣東話、國語及英文。